Registration FAQ
Below is a list of commonly asked questions about the registration portal, classifying your student's projects, and scheduling and events during the Fair. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
What are the 2025 registration deadlines?
Please respect these registration deadlines so the volunteers can organize a smooth running fair.
Registration portal will be open on January 13, 2025
Registration deadline for the Senior Fair is midnight, March 26, 2025
Registration deadline for the Junior Fair is midnight, March 26, 2025
How may projects can be sent to the fair?
There are no limits as to how many projects a school may send to the fair. However, schools are encouraged to only send projects that merit moving onto the Regional Fair level. Projects displayed at the Regional Fair need to demonstrate solid scientific thinking and reasoning, be displayed and presented well for the grade level.
How many students may work on a project?
Students may work alone or in pairs. Three person projects will NOT be accepted at the regional fair.
How do I register students for the fair?
You will register your students using the registration portal. Before you go to the link, please collect the following information.
List of your students you wish to register.
Correct title of each student's project.
Know whether the project needs electricity.
Know what division the student’s project is in (see below).
Determine whether the project fall in the category of experiment, study or technology.
Closer to the fair data…Have students fill out board required permission forms and collect $20 registration fee from each student.
You will be contacted a few days before the fair about student project numbers .
What are the project divisions?
Chemical: Projects that explore chemical reactions
Earth and Space Sciences: Projects that deal with geography, geology, soil science, and space
Energy and Control: Projects that explore energy conservation and generating electricity
Health sciences: Projects that explore health topics
Life sciences: Projects that explore biological topics other than health
Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Projects that explore physics and mathematics problems
How do we pay the registration fee?
Registration fee is $20 per student.
A cheque may be made out to Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair
Send money via internal board courier to Tawnya Schlosser, Bluewater Education Center, Chesley
Or you may bring your payment to the fair and pay at the door (please check appropriate box on the registration form)
How do I make sure my project is safe?
Please read the Project Safety page for guidelines on safety. There is more detail available by reading the safety policy of Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair. Any questions about project safety and ethics can be directed to Brad Lacey