Fair FAQ

What are the 2025 Fair dates?

Senior Fair- Wednesday, April 2, 2025

Junior Fair- Wednesday, April 9, 2025

What are the special awards and how are they managed?

  • Special awards are prizes (usually cash) that are given out to projects that meet specific criteria.

  • Projects are recommended throughout the day by the judges who are visiting the projects.

  • There are groups of judges who are only judging for these awards. They use information from the other judges and visit the projects themselves to make their decisions.

  • Click here to view special awards for Senior Fair

  • Click here to view special awards for Junior Fair

What is the schedule for the fair?

A usual schedule of events is listed below. This schedule may vary and is subject to change.

8:30 AM  | Setup and Registration at Bayshore Community Centre

9: 00 AM | Bus departs for Special Events (odd numbered project participants)

9: 00 - 11 :30 AM | Even Number Projects are Judged

11:30 - 12:30 PM | Lunch (remember students must be supervised)

12:30 PM | Bus Departs for Special Events (even numbered project participants)

12:30 - 3:15 PM | Odd numbered projects are judged.

3:00 PM | Bus departure from Special Events

3:30 - 4:30 PM | Public Viewing of projects

4:30 PM | Dismantling of projects

4:45 PM | Awards Presentations

Parents are not allowed to be in the Science Fair Area while the projects are being judged.

How are students supervised at the fair?

  • All students need to have an adult that they are accountable to. This can be a teacher or a parent.

  • Students need to be supervised by the adult during the lunch hour and for the special event.

  • Supervisors (either parent or teacher) need to have student health forms with them.

  • Junior Fair: student/adult ratio 6:1

  • Senior Fair: student/adult ratio10:1

What are the special Events that the students attend?

These are activities arranged by the Science Fair Committee to provide a science enrichment on the day of the fair.  Students attend these events either in the morning (odd numbered projects) or in afternoon (even numbered projects).  Parents and teachers are welcome to attend these events with the students.  Bussing is arranged to and from these events.

How do students travel to the fair?

The fair takes place at the Bayshore Community Center in Owen Sound.  Students may take a bus arranged by your school or travel with parents following necessary board procedures.

What should students bring to the fair?

  • Lunch. There is no food for purchase available at the Bayshore. Please make sure students bring food and drink with them for the day.

  • Their project, log book and other materials used in their display.

  • Their health form (with parent supervisor).

  • Book or quiet activity to do while they are waiting for the judges to view their project.

  • For security reasons, electronic devices should not be brought to the fair.