What time should we arrive?

Plan on getting to the Bayshore around 8:30.  This gives the students plenty of time to set up their projects before the judging starts at 9:00.

Where do we go?

Students set up their displays in the main hall of the Bayshore Community Center.  There will be helpful "Science Fair" people there to help direct you to the correct place in the hall.  Students will need to know their project numbers (teachers may have supplied these) and there are number lists at the fair to check if you are not sure.

How does the day work?

Students are divided into two groups (by school).  One group will be judged in the morning (even numbers) and the other in the afternoon(odd numbers).  When the students are not being judged, they attend a special event usually located on the ChiCheemaun Ferry.  Students are bused over to the special event.  Listen for the announcements.  During judging, no parents, chaperones  or teachers are permitted in the display hall. If students need help they can find lots of helpful "science fair" people to assist them.

What do parents, chaperons and teachers do at the fair?

Your job is to help the student(s) get set up and supervise the students when they are not being judged.  This means during the lunch break (11:30-12:30) and to go with the students to the special event.  If you are supervising a number of students from the school, make sure they are aware of your role.  All chaperons of groups of students and teachers should have the student health forms with them (sealed in envelop) in case of an emergency.  

What happens at lunch?

Students should have been instructed to bring a lunch.  There is not enough time to go out for lunch.  Students (with adult supervision) may eat in the display hall, or if is a nice day outside on the grounds.  Please respect the areas that are out-of-bounds at the Bayshore. This is also a good time to have a look around at some of the  other projects.

What happens at the end of the day?

After public viewing (3-4:30), all projects are taken down.  When instructed by the helpful "science fair" people, all the tables will be taken down and chairs set up in theater style in preparation for the awards presentation.  The awards ceremony will begin around 4:45 p.m. Usually the whole event wraps up between 5:30-6:00.